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Cerebral Palsy

Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Antenatal causes

Infections in mother like rubella, herpes cytomegalovirus toxoplasmosis increases the risk of cerebral palsy

Perinatal causes

Hypoxia occurring during birth or after birth can also lead to cerebral palsy. Preterm children and low birth weight (<1500 gm) have increased risk.

Post natal causes

Injury to brain, meningitis and encephalitis and jaundice.

all children are special

Drug Therapy

Drugs to prevent or control seizures associated with cerebral palsy. These drugs are very effective in preventing seizures in many children. Because there are different types of seizures, different drugs may be prescribed because no one drug prevents or controls all types of seizures. Such drugs may include Tegretol, Dilantin and Phenobarbital.

Orthopedic Management

The goals of orthopedic surgery in a non ambulatory patient are well reduced stable hips and straight spine with good hand function. The goals of orthopedic surgery in a walking child are stable plantigrade feet, straight knees and stable hips. The problems that frequently need treatment are

Occupational Therapy

An occupational therapist helps in development of fine motor skills and activities of daily living. They specialize in improving the development of the small muscles of the body, such as the hands, feet, face, fingers and toes. These therapists also teach daily living skills such as dressing and eating, as well as making sure children are properly positioned in wheelchairs. They may teach your child better or easier ways to write, draw, brush their teeth, dress, and feed themselves.


Physical therapy should usually begin within the first few months of life once the diagnosis of cerebral palsy is suspected. A physical therapist improves the development of the large muscles of the body, such as those in the legs, arms and abdomen. They use specific sets of exercises to help the child learn to stand, walk, use a wheelchair. Neurodevelopmental therapy is fast becoming popular and forms the mainstay of therapy. It is used to decrease spasticity, strengthen underlying muscles, and teach proper or functional motor patterns. These exercises help in preventing musculoskeletal problems. Also, physical therapy will help avoid contractures, in which muscles become fixed in a rigid, abnormal position.

Vision Therapy

Vision is a very important sense. During therapy vision exercises are usually performed through play and all movements of eyes are achieved very easily. Vision helps in other milestone development like crawling, walking and hand functions. With lazy eyes the child may not have depth perception and proper awareness of space. This may hamper walking, climbing stairs up and down. School going cerebral palsy kids may have problems copying from the blackboard or reading fast.

Speech and Language Therapy

A speech and language therapist helps develop better control of the jaw and mouth muscles, which can improve speech and language skills and eating abilities of children with cerebral palsy. They will teach both parents and child talking, using sign language, or using a communication aid. Children who are able to talk may work with a speech therapist on making their speech clearer, or on building their language skills by learning new words, learning to speak in sentences, or improving their listening skills. Children who cannot talk may learn sign language, or how to use special equipment such as a computer that actually talks for them.




Adaptive Equipment